You have seen some of the people with great height. But sometimes incident happens. Here incident means you will see a human who will look like a human but you can’t believe that he or she is a human. Something similar happened in Kandahar with the U.S. Army. They saw a humanoid and not a normal one as I said above about the height so the humanoid was so tall that no one can even imagine. This incident goes viral as the giant of Kandahar. Even the picture of this goes viral. That was a huge human or humanoid. So today through this article we will discuss and share all the available information with you. This seems an interesting topic. I mean something different from the human or any other living being that we are known to. So stay connected with the article till the end.
Details of the Giant of Kandahar
This incident took place in 1923 but this news and the picture of that giant humanoid went viral in 2023 on social media. Now the question that clicked in the mind of everyone is whether this picture is real or fake. So we will talk about this also. This photo was first uploaded by a page known as Marvelous Tajz and according to them the giant of Kandahar was captured in 1923.
According to the resources the giant of Kandahar was around 15 feet tall and had six fingers. In the photo, he was seen standing behind a group of people. According to allsoccer’s fact check this picture was photoshopped. But let’s proceed to some other fact check.
The Giant of Kandahar is a myth
This is not the first time that this kind of news has gone viral. Before this also such kind of baseless things went viral. However, this time a picture of the humanoid came upon the internet as proof. According to the resources the American troops were in Afghanistan and they saw a giant creature. After that, the American troops went missing. So America sent different individuals to that place to search for the missing troop and then they saw the giant of Kandahar.
I mean just imagine if you encounter such a creature in real life, how would you react? Either you will die of a heart attack or you will run like a Leopard. There is no shame in accepting anybody will do the same. The American troops who encountered that giant fought against him and won the battle.
Practically, there is no evidence which proves that this story has some reality. Even the military of the U.S. didn’t confirm or share something about this incident.
Interesting Script for a movie
After all the research this incident was considered a piece of fake news but this story seems a great script for a movie. I mean just think of a movie presenting a military troop who is going to Afghanistan and found a beast there. Then they plan to kill him. Just think how exciting this movie will be.
People on the giant of Kandahar
Many of them laughed and said that it was photoshopped. On the other hand, some of the people considered it real. People also said that they saw such kinds of creatures in Game of Thrones.
Something More
According to the research the giant killed one of the military people with his spear. Moreover, the military troops took only 30 seconds to kill the giant with the help of nonstop firing. The U.S. military pulled his body to put him in the helicopter and since then nobody had seen him.
It is also said that the army was carrying M4 carbines and m107 Barrett anti-material rifles. Soldiers who were there had signed an NDA. Even after that some military person broke the agreement and the silence on that incident so that everyone can come to know about this.
U.S Government on the incident
In 2016, the Department of Defence denied the claims. They said they didn’t kill any such creature in Kandahar. Even there was no news about military troops missing or killing some kind of creature.
Eye witness
In 2016 Mr. K who said he was a soldier said that he eye-witnessed the giant of Kandahar. He said that the giant was carrying a spear and killed one of their soldier whose name was Dan. It is said that the giant was last seen in 2002.

There are many stories and facts about the giant of Kandahar. All of them are considered fake. But these kind of stories excite many of the people. I mean something so abnormal in today’s time. As previously mentioned, the humanoid was extraordinarily tall—nobody could even begin to comprehend. As the giant of Kandahar, this incident becomes viral. This photo even becomes viral. What a massive person or humanoid that was. Thus, we will talk about and provide you with all the knowledge that is available to us today through this post. This subject looks like it would be interesting. I refer to something distinct from humans or any other known living entity.
I hope you got all the information and the truth about the incident. Even you can also now figure it out whether it was a myth or a true story. These kinds of stories will come and go so our article. Whenever these kinds of things will come we will do all the research and bring the best for you.
Thank you for reading the full article till the end.